If You Get Depressed Once Are You More Likely to Get Depressed Again
Low is a serious mental illness that can interfere with a person's life. It can cause long-lasting and astringent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities.
Information technology can also crusade concrete symptoms of pain, appetite changes, and sleep problems.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that
Symptoms and causes of depression can vary widely from person to person. Gender may likewise play an of import role in why a person is affected by low, and what information technology feels similar to them.
It can exist hard to explaining how depression feels to someone who has not experienced it.
Ane of the common misunderstandings almost depression is that it's similar to feeling sad or down.
Although many people with depression feel sadness, information technology feels much more than severe than emotions that come and go in response to life events.
The symptoms of depression tin last for months or years and can arrive difficult or impossible to carry on with daily life.
It can disrupt careers, relationships, and daily tasks such every bit self-intendance and housework.
Doctors will normally await for symptoms that have lasted at least ii weeks as possible
Depression may feel like:
- At that place's no pleasure or joy in life. A person with depression may not savour things they one time loved and may experience similar zero can make them happy.
- Concentration or focus becomes harder. Making any kind of decisions, reading, or watching television can seem taxing with depression because people tin't think clearly or follow what's happening.
- Everything feels hopeless, and there's no way to feel better. Depression may make a person feel that there'south no way ever to experience good again.
- Self-esteem is often absent-minded. People with low may feel like they are worthless or a failure at everything. They may dwell on negative events and experiences and be unable to see positive qualities in themselves.
- Sleeping may be problematic. Falling asleep at night or staying asleep all nighttime tin can feel nearly impossible for some people with low. A person may wake up early and non be able to go back to sleep. Others may sleep excessvely, just nevertheless wake up feeling tired or unrefreshed, despite the extra hours of sleep.
- Energy levels are low to nonexistent. Some people feel like they can't get out of bed, or feel exhausted all the time even when getting enough sleep. They may feel that they are likewise tired to practise elementary daily tasks.
- Food may non seem appetizing. Some people with depression feel like they don't want to eat annihilation, and have to force themselves to eat. This tin issue in weight loss.
- Food may exist used as a comfort or coping tool. Although some people with depression don't want to consume, others can overeat and crave unhealthy or comfort foods. This tin lead to weight gain.
- Aches and pains may be present. Some people experience headaches, nausea, body aches, and other pains with depression.
Many people mistakenly believe that being depressed is a choice, or that they need to have a positive attitude. Friends and loved ones oft get frustrated or don't understand why a person can't "snap out of it." They may fifty-fifty say that the person has nada to be depressed nigh.
Depression is a existent mental affliction. Those who have depression cannot simply decide to stop feeling depressed. Unlike typical sadness or worry, depression feels all-consuming and hopeless.
Low tin can be caused by a number of factors. Though a single crusade cannot always exist found, experts recognize the following equally possible causes:
- Genetics: Depression and other mood disorders can run in families, though family unit history alone does non mean a person will get depression.
- Life events: Major life changes and stressful events may trigger low. These events include divorce, the decease of a loved 1, chore loss, or financial problems.
- Hormonal changes: Depression and low mood are ofttimes
associated with menopause, pregnancy, and premenstrual disorders. - Certain illnesses: Anxiety, long-term pain, diabetes, and heart illness may make someone more likely to develop depression. Depression is a symptoms of bipolar disorder.
- Drug and booze abuse: In some cases, drug and alcohol abuse may crusade depression. Other times, depression may cause a person to kickoff abusing drugs or alcohol.
- Some medications: Certain prescription medicines may increase the take chances of depression. These include some high claret pressure level medications, steroids, and some cancer drugs.
Human relationship bug are a common cause of depression in women.
Research suggests that the causes of depression may be different for women than for men.
Scientists suggest this is due to:
- biological factors
- cultural expectations
- differences in experience
One study of twin brothers and sisters published in The American Journal of Psychiatry found that personality and relationships with others were more likely to play a role in the onset of low.
In item, the study stated that marital issues, the human relationship with parents, and lack of social support were more likely to cause depression in women than in men.
Neuroticism, or existence in a negative emotional state, was also a primary cause of depression in the women studied.
A study in the Journal of Melancholia Disorders besides institute that women's symptoms of low were unlike. The women studied were more probable to have panic and anxiety disorders in addition to their depression.
Other studies have indicated that women may be more probable to proceeds weight and accept excessive sleepiness than men.
Women'due south hormone changes may also play a office in how and when depression affects them.
Research on this hormonal link has institute:
- Girls who take a family history of depression may be more probable to experience the onset of depression at puberty.
- Women with low have more than astringent symptoms during the premenstrual stage of their cycle, even if they are already taking antidepressants.
- Postpartum depression occurs later giving birth and affects 1 in seven women.
- During the menopause transition, a adult female'southward run a risk of depression increases.
- Women take a
2 to three times greater adventure of getting depression during this time, even if they never had depression in the by.
Losing a job and not being able to provide for the family is a common trigger for depression in men.
A study in The American Journal of Psychiatry plant that men were more probable than women to take low due to the following:
- drug abuse
- childhood sexual abuse
- prior history of low
- major stressful life events
The study also suggested that men may exist more likely to become depressed every bit a effect of failures to reach goals in life and depression cocky-esteem. Financial and legal bug and career problems were found to crusade depression more frequently in men than women.
The study mentions events such every bit losing a job and worrying about failing equally a family provider as possible examples of what may trigger depression specifically in men.
Symptoms of low in men may also exist different. An analysis in
Though it is commonly thought that women suffer from depression more than often than men, the study suggests that men and women may both equally endure from depression.
The differences in symptoms and what men report to their doctors may make depression harder to diagnose in men.
Traditional symptoms of depression, such equally sadness and crying, may exist more than frequently hidden or not reported by men. Some may feel that these symptoms get against guild's idea of being a man.
Those who are experiencing symptoms of depression should seek medical assistance. Depression tin worsen without handling and affect a person'southward quality of life.
A family unit doctor or mental health professional volition discuss treatment options to assist the person manage their depression and comport on with daily life.
In severe cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide or physically harming oneself.
Whatever suicidal thoughts or statements almost "not wanting to live" should be taken seriously. In times of crisis, a person should seek help from a hospital emergency section.
Assistance is also available from the National Suicide Prevention Helpline by calling 1-800-273-TALK (ane-800-273-8255), or visiting the Helpline'southward website.
Read the article in Spanish.
Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/314071
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