Kent State University College of Arts and Sciences Faculty
Arash Mafi, Dean of Arts and Sciences
Arash Mafi earned his Ph.D. in theoretical loftier free energy physics from The Ohio State University in 2001. Following postdoctoral appointments at the Academy of Arizona in Physics and The Optical Sciences Center, he joined Corning Incorporated as a Senior Research Scientist working on optical fibers and liquid crystal displays. He moved to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 2008, where he was an Acquaintance Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Scientific discipline, before joining the University of New United mexican states in 2014. He is currently a Professor of Physics and Astronomy.
Prof. Mafi served as the General Chair of the Optical Science and Engineering (OSE) Graduate Program in 2015 and has been the Managing director of the Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM) since July 2016. He is a Young man of the Optical Society of America (OSA), a Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE), and a Senior Member of IEEE. He is also a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2013. His research group's work on Anderson Localization was selected by Physics Earth of the Institute of Physics (IOP) equally a Top 10 Breakthrough in Physics in 2014. Nearly recently, in 2020, his enquiry grouping, in collaboration with Prof. Sheik-Bahae and Prof. Tünnermann, demonstrated the beginning laser cooling of silica. His research focuses on integrating fundamental science and application at the intersection of quantum nonlinear optics and complexity. In recent years, he has mainly explored the quantum and nonlinear aspects of light-thing interaction in complex and disordered photonic structures, both in fundamental science and device applications.
Our Associate Deans
Mary Domski
Associate Dean for Curriculum and Instruction
Mary Domski joined the UNM faculty in 2005 and is currently a Professor in the Department of Philosophy. She holds a B.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania, and she earned her Ph.D. in the History and Philosophy of Science from Indiana University. Professor Domski'southward teaching and enquiry focuses on the philosophy of science and mathematics in the Early on Modernistic period. The majority of her scholarly talks and publications have focused on the works of Descartes, Newton, and Kant, and her book Newton's Third Rule and the Experimental Argument for Universal Gravity (2022) is available from Routledge equally an Open up Access publication. Professor Domski has been a Swain at the Academy of Pittsburgh's Center for the Philosophy of Science, and she is a one-time President of HOPOS, the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science. She served for four years as the Chair of UNM's Department of Philosophy, and for two years she was a Special Banana to the Dean in UNM'south College of Arts and Sciences. Professor Domski has also been honored with 4 UNM educational activity awards: The Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award, the College of Arts and Sciences Award for Education Excellence, the UNM Alumni Association Faculty Teaching Award, and the Presidential Teaching Fellowship.
Julia Fulghum
Acquaintance Dean for Faculty Development and Special Assistant for Graduate Pedagogy
In addition to her Higher roles, Julia is currently the Manager of ADVANCE at UNM and Professor in Chemistry and Chemic Biology. She served as Vice President for Research and Economical Development from 2008-2012 and prior to that was chair of the Section of Chemical and Nuclear Engineering from 2002-2008. She came to UNM from Kent Country University in 2002, where she every bit a kinesthesia member in the Chemistry Section and a fellow member of the Honors College. She is a Fellow of the American Vacuum Society, a Pupil Service Provider of the Year from UNM Student Affairs in 2012, a NM Concern Weekly Ability Broker in 2010, and received a Distinguished Teacher Accolade from Kent State University in 2001. She received her Ph.D. in analytical chemistry from the University of N Carolina.
Philip Ganderton
Senior Acquaintance Dean & Associate Dean of Kinesthesia
Philip is a Professor in the Department of Economics and currently the Acquaintance Dean for Faculty and Senior Associate Dean. He joined UNM in 1989 having completed his undergraduate and Master'due south degrees in Economics from the University of Western Australia and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Philip teaches and researches in the fields of public finance, personal investing, risk management and the evaluation of public policies. He has published on investing in instruction, college teaching financing, valuing environmental amenities, the contingent valuation method, the economic costs of boyish parenting and most recently on risk management, mitigation and insurance. He is also a member of the National Association of Forensic Economics.
Christopher Lippitt
Associate Dean for Research
Chris has been a member of the UNM Section of Geography and Environmental Studies since 2012. He earned his Ph.D. in Geography from San Diego State Academy and the Academy of California, Santa Barbara, and his M.S. in Geographic Informatics from Clark University. Professor Lippitt'south teaching and research focus on remote sensing and geographic information science (GIScience). His research requires routine collaboration with authorities, private sector, and actress-disciplinary cooperators and accessing a diverse assortment of federal, state, and private funding sources. He has started several research-derived companies, helped students launch their own, and advised teams though the NSF iCorps Research Commercialization Program. Chris is the founding Kinesthesia Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Science Cooperative (IS Co-op), Director of the Eye for Advocacy of Spatial Informatics Enquiry and Teaching (ASPIRE), and Graduate Program Manager supervising the New United mexican states Doctoral Program in Geography, a joint programme with New Mexico State University.
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