How Do I Get the Do Not Show Again Box to Open on Mac
When entering a command or clicking a push within an Autodesk product, Windows dialogue (not program-specific palettes) does not open. The software may appear to lock up or hang, and portions may grey out.
When the arrangement book is on, a "ding" sound is audible when clicking and if the Esc key is pressed, command of the plan is regained.
This issue is often the outcome of:
- Changes in screen resolution
- Changes in the number of monitors connected to the figurer
- Third-party fourth dimension tracking software interfering with dialogues
- AutoCAD'south variables changed to nondefault values
- Corrupted user contour
Near programs maintain the concluding positions of their dialog windows, expressed in X/Y coordinates for the monitor. A window might come upward off-screen if it was last positioned at a bespeak that is no longer viewable.
For instance, when an application is opened on a monitor with unlike resolutions settings or with a dialogue that was positioned on a secondary monitor that has been disconnected from the system.
The plan continues to put the dialogue box at the last-known X/Y position, on the no-longer-nowadays 2d monitor.
Pressing Esc is the same as clicking Abolish on the window, which gives back command of the programme. The "ding" is the default alert that Windows makes when trying to click outside a modal dialogue.
Do one of the following:
- Motion the window to a dissimilar monitor. Concord down the WINDOWS and SHIFT keys and and then press the left or Right Arrow keys on the keyboard. This moves windows betwixt screens and will popular the missing dialog into view.
- Be certain that the FILEDIA and CMDDIA variables are each set to a value of i. Type them in at the control line (separately) to bank check their current value, and ready to 1, if necessary.
- Use the keyboard to move the window into view. Try this first on a visible window to see how information technology works:
- Execute the control to activate the dialog window.
- PrintingALT-SPACEBAR on the keyboard.
- Press the 1000 primal and tap an arrow key.
- Move the mouse to bring the window into view.
- Click the left mouse button to cancel the functioning.
- Modify the screen resolution to a dissimilar value, smaller or larger. This should bring all dialog windows back into view. Move the dialog window in question to center screen (or toward the upper left) and then go out the program before changing the screen resolution back to what it was.
With multiple displays, printing WINDOWS-P and so choose PC screen just. Adjust the dialog window to centre screen and so exit the program earlier setting the brandish back to Extend.
- For AutoCAD, edit the palette properties in the Custom User Interface (CUI):
- Enter CUI on the command line and press Enter.
- Navigate to the Customizations in all files panel under the Customize tab.
- Select the agile workspace under Workspaces.
- On the right panel, click Customize Workspace.
- Navigate to, and expand Palettes.
- Click Properties.
- In the Properties panel below, change the post-obit settings:
- Show: Yes
- Orientation: Floating
- Permit Docking: No
- Automobile Hide: Off
- Click Done and OK.
- Disable unused video ports in the system's video settings or video driver command panel. A dialog window could be moving to the video space of an unused video port (even if a 2nd monitor has never been connected to information technology).
If the event is caused past third-party tools interfering with dialogs, consider suppressing them as an alternative solution and setting dialog responses beforehand.
Reset the Autodesk production to defaults. For AutoCAD, see How to reset AutoCAD to defaults. If this does not resolve the effect, fully uninstall and reinstall the affected Autodesk product.
Test the issue with a dissimilar Windows user. If the other user account works and so Reset the Windows Contour.
- Edit the Windows registry and ready the Ten/Y location of the missing dialog to a location that is on-screen. This should exist washed while the Autodesk plan is airtight. Locate the registry key for the dialog in question, within the electric current contour. For example, the registry path to the AutoCAD Color Picker dialog is as follows:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R22.0\ACAD-1001:409\Profiles\<<Unnamed Profile>>\Dialogs\AdColor: Color Picker
The Color Picker dialog (and other dialogs) has X/Y coordinate values. If they are high, set them to something which will likely be a location on the electric current screen, such as X 300 Y 200.
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