Can You Join the Enclave in Fallout 2



Stop the Enclave is an unmarked master quest in Fallout ii. To consummate it, the Chosen One must costless his people and Vault 13 dwellers from the Enclave'due south clutches and put an stop to the organization'due south nefarious plans… whatever they are.


  • one Quick walkthrough
  • 2 Detailed walkthrough
    • 2.1 Into the oil rig
    • 2.2 Dick Richardson
    • two.3 Blowing the reactor
    • two.4 Facing the incommunicable
    • ii.5 Oil rig nuked
  • iii Notes

Quick walkthrough

Reach the oil rig, cause a reactor meltdown, defeat Frank Horrigan, and become out alive.

Detailed walkthrough

After reaching the oil rig via the PMV Valdez tanker, one's commencement pace will exist to infiltrate the Enclave base of operations, get together information and determine what to do next.

Into the oil rig

Walk into the oil rig's entrance hall. Beyond this point, the Chosen One must be wearing power armor (whatever blazon will practice) and must not take any companions with them or the Enclave soldiers and turrets will attack on sight. Enclave turrets are equipped with heavy dual miniguns that can rip through power armor with ease, making fighting one'southward way through hardly an option.

With high enough Science skill, examining the figurer terminal in the entrance hall (or other similar ones found throughout the base) will reveal all the information right abroad. Specifically, the compound's weak spot (Science 125%): shutting down the rig reactor'southward control computer volition chop-chop atomic number 82 to an imminent reactor meltdown. And the Enclave'southward plans (Science 150%) regarding the captured people, FEV, and the residue of the globe. I can also notation (Science 100%) the controls for the station'due south security system that require a Presidential access key to use. If the player chooses to download the Aid content the concluding won't be accessible later on, making the final boss fight nigh impossible.

Down the stairs, at the detention and research level, there are many people held in cells. Past talking to them, one finds out they include people from the Arroyo tribe as well as people from Vault xiii. The elderberry tells the Chosen One that they must shut downward the facility'due south reactor to disable the strength fields in their cells. If they don't have a Chiliad.E.C.K. with them, she also urges them to find 1 that she heard was taken from Vault 13 and is somewhere in the rig. Martin Frobisher, the spokesman for the Vault 13 people, specifically suggests to blow up the reactor's control computer with explosives that tin surely be establish among the base's vast arsenal and confirms that their Chiliad.Eastward.C.Thou. must be kept on the level further below and the Chosen One is free to have it.

Dick Richardson

The nearby stairs lead to the Admission Corridor level where one must solve the trap room puzzle to go through. The One thousand.East.C.1000. that the prisoners spoke of can indeed exist found hither in the right side room, in the leftmost locker in the closet, and the character will decline to become through the get out door until they have ane in their inventory.

Further beneath lies the office of Dick Richardson, the "President of the United States," and his aides, equally well equally the laboratory of Dr. Charles Crimper. Either of them finally reveals to the Chosen One the Enclave's diabolical programme to wipe out all humans on the World except the Enclave citizens with a FEV-based biological weapon. A program that is literally days, if not hours, from its conclusive stage. The president besides offers amazing amounts of historical and background information, mostly equally a stalling tactic. The Called One will take to kill him because that's the only way to get his access primal.

The following options are available:

  • Apply seven super stimpaks on him, then wait for x minutes using the role in the Pip-Boy for the later on-effects to kill him (Enclave will not be alerted). One can discover vii or more super stimpaks around the oil rig in containers and on Enclave citizens.
  • Past planting an agile explosive on him, then leaving for some other section, he will either dice or exist weakened (Enclave volition not exist alerted).
  • Only kill him (alerts the Enclave).
  • Sneak and shoot him. If he receives a critical hitting, he volition die (Enclave sometimes volition be alerted, sometimes non).
  • Neglect to steal from/plant on him. He will attack, however, the rest of the Enclave will non be alerted.

With a high Spoken language, Dr. Curling tin can be convinced of the immorality of the plan and will elect to help stop the programme by the only means still available without leaving an option for anyone to kickoff over: by releasing the toxin into the Oil Rig'due south ventilation system (5000 XP). Information technology'southward not possible to speak to Tom Murray afterwards this, and generic NPCs without power armor will remark they're feeling bad and after a few minutes, will outset dying violently.

Information technology's not possible to kill the president this style despite the Chosen One mentioning "giving him a taste of his ain medicine" in dialogue and the president admitting that the Enclave population is not all the same inoculated. Named characters except the president's secretary are not affected by the toxin.

Blowing the reactor

Downwards the stairs northwest of the president'due south role, on the bottommost level of the rig, is its nuclear reactor. With the information gathered, there are two options now:

  • Accident up the computer consoles earlier the big mainframe (10000 XP). Either a plastic explosive or a dynamite will do. This will alert the nearby technicians (and the entire level) if they meet the human activity.
  • With loftier Spoken language and Charisma, the Chosen One tin can instead threaten Tom Murray, the head of the Diminutive Energy Commission of the Enclave, to close downwards the computer for them (12500 XP). If the FEV has been released, this option is non available equally one will exist unable to speak with him.

After this, equally the console messages say, at that place are 10 minutes of game fourth dimension to go out.

Too, it's not possible to speak to Dr. Curling after this is done.

Facing the impossible

Back on the presidential level, in that location's now an emergency stairwell along the southern edge of the map bachelor (information technology was previously inaccessible just is now the only mode up). Those stairs accept ane all the way upwardly to the barracks near the lobby.

Back in the corridor leading to the antechamber, there is an Enclave squad led by Sergeant Granite. He tells the Called One that despite the prisoners having already fled to the vessel, for them personally, in that location's a very big problem named Frank Horrigan who is adamant most not letting the Chosen One pass and is known to be an unstoppable killing motorcar. With a successful Oral communication check, the hero tin convince them that the base will soon exist ground zilch, and helping them in the fight is the only way for them all to survive (the dialogue can be retried if one fails; 1500 XP).

Due to the powerful and numerous turrets, the fight is nigh-incommunicable to survive without the presidential keycard. By using the concluding in the room (Science 100%), one can direct the turrets to attack Horrigan instead by activating the "counter-insurgency protocol" (the disable security system option has no issue, it doesn't deactivate the turrets). The combat commences immediately. With Granite's squad to help, too, the odds will exist very much in the player character's favor.

Talking to Horrigan leads to him attacking whatever the thespian character does and the terminal tin can't be used in combat, so this is non an option unless i wishes to fight the turrets.

Oil rig nuked

When Horrigan falls, i can talk to him or immediately finish him off. If given an opportunity to talk, he informs the hero with his dying jiff that he'southward activated the oil rig'due south self-destruct mechanism (at this signal, it doesn't matter whether this is true).

All that leaves is to escape from the oil rig by leaving the way the player character came in.

Subsequently the Called One escapes, there is a video clip showing the oil rig destroyed by a huge nuclear explosion. After this, depending on the Chosen I's prior actions, there will be different endings.


  • Afterwards completing the quest, the Chosen tin either have the game end or continue playing. All the same, the events described in the endings won't accept occurred all the same (for example, there won't be a rebuilt Arroyo for the actor character to visit).
  • New Reno and Vault Urban center residents are the just ones who will react differently to the Called One, offer praise and diverse humorous comments (such as expressing concern near whether they'll still exist if the player uninstalls the game from their hard bulldoze).
  • If the player grapheme travels to New Reno, speak to Begetter Tully. He will requite them the Fallout 2 Hintbook which, when read, gives the role player grapheme ten,000 XP and raises all skills to 300%. It doesn't disappear when read, so this is an unlimited source of experience.
  • I tin can also visit the Corsican Brothers and star in a new moving picture.
  • In Vault City, go to Vault 8, Level 3. Use the main figurer to download the Vault Urban center designer notes to the Pip-Boy. Toward the end of those notes, the histrion graphic symbol will be instructed to "go to the figurer last in the upper left corner of this level and apply it." In one case the player character uses that computer, they volition earn twenty,000 XP. This is also repeatable like the hint volume.

Enclave Oil Rig

Quests in Fallout 2


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